Tuesday, October 31, 2006
As promised I'm posting my portrait for class this week. Black and white Conte crayon on brown paper. Our prof suggested we wear our Halloween costumes in the portrait. I went home and grabbed a load of my recital/competition dance costumes from my senior year of high school. I settled on my tap trio costume and wig from my Roxie Hart costume. How does it stack up against the "real deal"? :)

I was kneeling on a chair on one knee and balancing the drawing board on the other knee. You can imagine how comfortable that was (*hint* not very).
[edit] My prof made a few suggestions and I re-did the portrait. It turned out nicer/more lively, but unfortunately I couldn't get a pic of it before I turned it in. Hopefully I'll be able to get it here soon.
posted by Janelle at 2:38 AM |