Thursday, April 30, 2009
I'm working on a series for my Painting final right now. It's sort of impromptu painting/unaware collaboration. I'm taking paintings that students have abandoned that my prof still has. Then I'm painting over them, but I'm leaving parts of the original paintings showing.

As for the impromptu part... one of my goals for the semester was not to think too hard. I get worked up/worried over how projects to turn out. It's more fun just to let things happen.

So for one I'm painting over using one of my favorite webcomics - Penny Arcade - as inspiration. Twisp and Catsby are two of the best non-sequitur characters ever. Here I'm using their first appearance (check out the comic

Still a bit to do, but I'm happy with it so far. I can't wait to finish it.

Twisp & Catsby are  © 1998-2009 Penny Arcade, Inc.

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posted by Janelle at 11:58 PM | 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Geez I haven't posted in awhile.

This is from my last project. I wish I had ended it at this stage. It was the most successful figure I ended up doing. Maybe I'll redo it on a smaller canvas.

My current painting. Maybe I should call it a collaboration? The painting underneath was someone else's. Our first project this semester was to take a piece someone else had done, flip it upside down, and create a painting. It ended up being my best one so far, so I'm re-using the concept for my final project. I picked up about 5 or 6 abandoned paintings from my prof's office to use for a series.

I'm trying not to think too hard about this. I think that's one of my problems. I think too hard and worry too much. I guess I'm sort of doing impromtu painting. We'll see how the rest turn out.

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posted by Janelle at 1:30 AM | 0 comments